Marian Feast
Our Lady of Lourdes
The Annunciation
Our Lady of Fatima
The Visitation
Immaculate Heart
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
The Assumption
Queenship of Mary
Nativity of Mary
Holy Name of Mary
Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of the Rosary
Presentation of Mary
Immaculate Conception
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mother of God
Presentation of the Lord
Start Date for the 33 Day Preparation
January 9
February 20*
April 10
April 28
June 13
July 13
July 20
August 6
August 10
August 13
September 4
October 19
November 5
November 9
November 29
December 31
Consecration Day
February 11
March 25
May 13
May 31
Saturday after Corpus Christi
July 16
August 15
August 22
September 8
September 12
September 15
October 7
November 21
December 8
December 12
January 1
February 2
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Do you want the quick and easy way of becoming a saint?
Consecrate yourself to Jesus through Mary!
God chose Mary to be the vessel that brought Jesus Christ into the world.
As a child, Jesus was formed by Mary, and in turn, Mary was Jesus’ first and most
perfect disciple. Mary’s will was completely united with the Father’s will her entire
life by His grace sparing her from ever sinning. During His crucifixion, Christ gave
His mother to us to be our mother…and He gives us to Mary to be her children.
What Mary wants for all her children is that they be like her Son.
The Greatest Saints
In the midst of the evils of our times, Christ will raise up an army of saints to spread
the light of His truth, goodness, and beauty. Will you be in the ranks? One of the
Church’s greatest proponents of devotion to Jesus through Mary,
St. Louis de Montfort (1673-1716), wrote that some of the greatest saints in the life
of the Church are to come in the perilous times ahead:
The Most High with His holy Mother has to form for Himself great saints who shall surpass most of the other saints in sanctity as much as the cedars of Lebanon outgrow little shrubs (True Devotion).
How can this be that the greatest saints will be from our times? For starters, this doesn’t mean that modern saints are better than saints from the past. It means that “where sin abounds grace abounds all the more” (Rom. 5:20). Where there is darkness, which I think most of us can agree runs pretty rampant these days, God will pour out His grace even more. God is the one who makes saints; He’s the one that makes them great. But these people have to allow Him to work in and through them. Secondly, the Christians of our time have been given 2,000 years of lived experience and tools passed down from our fathers in the faith—the rosary, eucharistic adoration, chaplet of divine mercy, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Total Consecration, etc. Those who have gone before us have given us the “tricks of the trade” to become even better at being saints than they were. For this, we should be grateful, filled with humility, and resolved to use these gifts.
So, what is Marian consecration (Total Consecration)?
Marian consecration is inviting Mary to form Christ in us—that is, to make us a saint, a friend of God. As our Mother, she wants this more than anything else. This is the mission she’s been given by God. Through consecration to her, we surrender everything to Mary. We become dependent on her. She finds no greater delight than to make us like Jesus and to go before Him interceding on our behalf.
Marian consecration takes nothing away from Jesus, but on the contrary, magnifies Him. The Total Consecration is all about Jesus.
How do you consecrate yourself?
The Marian consecration consists of 33 days of preparing oneself for consecration. For this preparation, you can use several books:
33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC
True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis de Montfort
Preparation for Total Consecration by St. Louis de Montfort
On the consecration day, it is recommended (not required) to do the following things:
Write up or print out the prayer of consecration so you can sign it.
Make a good confession.
Attend Mass.
Have an outward sign of your consecration, for example, wearing a Miraculous Medal or keeping it in your purse or wallet, a chain around your wrist or ankle, etc.
You should renew this consecration at least once a year by going through the preparation and
re-consecrating yourself on the feast day, or even daily, like John Paul the Great.
What days can I make the consecration?
* During a leap year, this start date is February 21.
Information from the Diocese of Bismarck.